يعرض الآن

Crashed Into Grace-Perry Lahaie
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What is a sacrifice?

Well when you read the bible you see how they sacrificed to God, They would bring a lamb or a dove and kill it on the alter and that was meant to be a sacrifice unto God.

But today God wants us to be living sacrifices.

Does that mean I need to kill myself for God?

Of course not, But God does want us to be dead to ourselves and alive to him.

In other words God wants us to obey his teachings, we don't just do the things we want to do, we do what God wants.

Other people may lie and cheat but I am a living sacrifice to God so I won't lie and cheat because I want people to see a difference in my life.

Others reflect the devil but I want to reflect God.

That means I have to die to the desires that are inside of me and do the things that God wants me to do.

It means living a holy life.

It doesn't mean going to a monastery and being a monk, It means living in the world but not being the world.

Let your life and sacrifice shine before men and God.

الاكثر من مدونات

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