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Every Part-Hunter Plake
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

The Bible revealed

It's alive


Isn't it amazing how the bible is coming alive.

Prophecies that were made thousands of years ago are beginning to be understood today,

The prophet didn't understand but we can look and see them today and understand.

The bible says that every eye will see Jesus return.

100 years ago we wouldn't have had a clue what that means, we would question the prophet, How on earth can every eye see Jesus return.?

Well today we live in a world of TV and satellites.

They broadcast round the clock.

The bible tells us that one world tyranny is coming and the world will receive a mark.

We are beginning to see the whole world moving towards that.

The whole world has became digital, Money will become irrelevant soon,

today we pay for things electronically with a credit card.

We are not far off from it being a chip in the hand or head.

When everything is digital, there is a digital footprint and you can be watched to see if you are spending your money on the right things.

If you buy too much meat then you will be punished because it will be seen as damaging the environment.

Perhaps they will stop you from flying on a trip.

The digital world is great technology but in the wrong hands it will fulfil the prophecies of the bible that were predicted 1000's of years ago.

It does prove one thing though, The bible is true.

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