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Who We Are-Satellites & Sirens
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The Diary

The appointment keeper


A diary is a very handy thing to have.

If you have a busy schedule then it is difficult remembering exactly what you should be doing and who you should be meeting.

Can you remember what day and time you are meeting with someone?

A diary keeps everything in order.

If everything goes into the diary then there is no caos.

You will know exactly what time is your appointment at and with who.

No confusion and no mistakes.

There is one appointment we will all keep whether we like it or not.

The Bible says it is appointed for men to die once and after this judgement.

We have an appointment with death and an appointment with Judgement.

None of them are written in the diary because we don't know when they will be.

It could be in 20 years time, 2 days time or even in the next 2 minutes, we just don't know.

The question is are you ready ?

The Christian won't face Judgement for sin, because Jesus took care of that but he will face judgement for what he has done.

Was he faithful ? Then he will receive a reward, did he waste his time on foolish things and not God's will ? Then he will lose out on rewards.

The sinner who doesn't know Christ as his Lord and savior has an appointment with Judgement.

It's a judgement for sin and he is already guilty.

Today is a good day to have an appointment with Jesus Christ.

He can reschedule you so that you miss the Sin Judgement, and appoint you for the reward judgement.

Make an appointment with Jesus today.

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