يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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The Grace of God

It's for you


Over many years I have come to realize that the grace of God is wonderful.

God is more gracious than some Christians.

God really doesn't treat us as our sins deserve.

That doesn't mean that God approves of our sin or even likes our sin.

As we read the bible we see that God hates sin, But he loves the sinner and often raises his hand in friendship to anyone who will receive it.

We may sin and sin and sin and God's grace is still there for us.

He still loves us even when we have sinned.

But sometimes when we sin then God's hand of discipline is also there along with grace, gently correcting our mistakes.

Don't think you can live in sin and just expect God to do nothing.

He does give Grace when we are repentant, but he will discipline us to help us to make the right choice.

God loves us too much to let us live in our sin, he wants us to change and be more Christ-like.

Sin breaks our relationship with him.

When we become a Christian, God puts his spirit inside of us,

His spirit brings our spirit alive, but as we sin we quench the spirit inside of us making it more difficult to have a relationship with God.

Receive the grace of God today and keep short accounts with God.

When you see sin in your life, turn away from it and confess it so that your relationship with him isn't quenched.

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