يعرض الآن

Who We Are-Satellites & Sirens
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

The Plug

All our houses have electricity,


its a great invention because it has revolutionised our lives.

Can you imagine your life without electricity.

Just think of the things you would loose if you didn't have it.

No light, no internet , no computer of smart phone.

Life would be very difficult and harder without electricity.

You have a cable with a plug on the end and when you put it into the socket there is power.

Its the Plug connecting which brings the power.

The plug is like our relationship with God.

Because of Sin we are not connected to God, There is no power.

But Jesus came and died for our sin so when we repent, turn away from our sin then God picks us up and plugs us into God.

We can now know God's heart and we can live for him.

Power is at hand for us.

Like electricity, the Holy Spirit comes into us and gives us the power we need every day to live a new holy life.

The Holy Spirit brings the self control we need to live holy lives.

Today are you plugged into God.?

Has Jesus taken your sin. Is that life giving power of the Holy Spirit flowing through you ?

You can receive power today.

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