In the Christmas story there was a star.
It was a guide for the wise men.
They followed the star until it stopped.
And it stopped above a stable in Bethlehem.
In that stable was the baby Jesus, the savior of the world.
Creation was celebrating the birth of Jesus.
The star was a signpost for the wise men,
It was calling out to them “follow me”
and because of their obedience they were rewarded they got to see the savior of the world.
Today your life can be like that star.
Not pointing to yourself but to Jesus.
Have you asked your neibours and friends do you know the little baby boy that was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago.
He came to forgive you of your sins.
You can point to the one who came, guiding weary travelers on their journey in life.
Perhaps some have lost their way and just one look to Jesus will set them off on the right path for life.
Shine like a star and point to Jesus.