Barabbas was a murderer and an insurrectionist.
The Romans had caught him and he was due to be crucified. Barabbas had done things wrong and his crimes were catching up with him.
There was also Jesus, he hadn't done anything wrong. He touched peoples lives with his words. His reputation had spread because sick people were healed. Jesus brought life, peace and hope. Barabbas brought rebellion and murder. Who would you want to see free? The crowd wanted to see someone free and you would imagine Jesus would win this competition, but the crowd were stirred up to shout for Barabbas. Barabbas was freed and Jesus the innocent one was going to be crucified.
But behind the story is a real spiritual truth. All of Barabbas sins were nailed on the cross because Jesus the substitute took his place. Jesus took that place for You and me too. Jesus died on the cross because you are the sinner - you have done things wrong and deserve punishment. But rather than punish you God made a substitute. He sent Jesus to take your place so that you could be declared not guilty. Not Guilty because the price had been paid with an ultimate sacrifice.
It wasn't cheap - it cost Jesus his life - but today you are forgiven and free. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.