The garden tomb in Jerusalem is a wonderful place.
Its a beautiful garden with a wonderful atmsophere.
You can go around with a guide or explore yourself .
Some people believe it is the place where Jesus was buried.
They don't know for sure but what is for sure is that the grave is empty.
Jesus was In the grave for 3 days and then a miricle happened.
Death could not hold him
There was an earthquake, the stone was rolled away and Jesus came out of the tomb alive.
Jesus is alive !
I love what is written on the door of the tomb “He is not here for he has risen”.
Amazing words, and words that are so true, Jesus is not here he has risen into heaven and is now making preperations for us to be with him.
We will be with Jesus for eternity
Celebrating and praising God.
Today there is hope and its because of Jesus.
He's alive