يعرض الآن

Living For You-Youth Alive Wa
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The wise and foolish

الخميس، ٢٣ أبريل، ٢٠٢٠ ٢:٥١ م

By Paul Bernard

Every one of us builds,


We build our lives, but the important question to ask is what we build our lives upon.

Is there really anything stable?

When the Corona Virus hit the world it shook everything.

People lost their jobs, their social life, and their freedom.

Everything that we held so dear was rocked.

It was a surprise to everyone.

If I had said at the beginning of the year you will loose so much, you would have probably thought I was very foolish.

But it was true.

And if our whole life is build upon those things, then we loose so much.

Nothing in life is stable; you have breath now but what about in 10 seconds.

Our breath may be gone.

God, Jesus is the only true stable person we can build our lives upon.

He never changes, His rules, Laws and standards never change.

Of course his love never changes too.

2000 years ago God sent Jesus to die on a Cross for our sins.

He did it out of love.

Gods love is still the same today.

Truly we can build our life on God, Our rock.

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