يعرض الآن

When Justice Shines-David Ruis and Indigika
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

This Baby is a threat

He must die !


Can you imagine a baby being a threat to a grown man?

But Jesus was a threat, Jesus was the King of the Jews and Herod saw that as a threat.

It was so much of a threat that Herod had all the baby boys killed in the Bethlehem area.

Mothers weeping because their children had been murdered.

Herod was doing everything he could to stop this child.

He didn't realize he was fighting against God.

Nothing could stop God's plan.

Mary and Joseph were able to escape to Egypt, That was part of God's plan.

Jesus had a purpose, Not even Herod could thwart that purpose.

Herod was the one who died and Jesus came back to the Holy Land.

Wicked Herod's murders were in vain.

He couldn't out maneuver God, God was in control.

Herod was the king, But he was no match for God.

Today Herod is the one who went down in history as the butcher of innocent children, All over the world the Nativity story is acted out in schools and Churches.

Herod is portrayed as the bad guy.

And Jesus is the good guy, two opposites

Who are you today ?

The good guy or the bad guy?

Your actions will tell you.


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