We are in a battle.
We need the Helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit.
One is for protection, The helmet protects your head, or spiritually your mind and the sword is for attack.
The word of God is our helmet and our sword, we can Use the word of God to destroy stupid and silly arguments because God's word is truth.
Truth will expose a lie so we can battle with our sword all the lies that we are told in this world like evolution, Genisis tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made, we didn't evolve.
It's the word of God that we stand on not man's opinion.
The word of God also helps us to protect our mind, when the devil whispers that you are no good, we can tell him that we are made in the image of God.
Get to know the word of God in your life and the devil will flee.
We are in a battle.