يعرض الآن

Unbreakable-Colton Dixon
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


A handy tool


We all like to go out and have a nice meal.

Perhaps burgers and fries or a nice piece of chicken.

But afterwards there is just a tiny piece of meat stuck in between our teeth.

It's very small but it is there.

Its small, but annoying.

You need a tooth pick to get it out.

Even though it is very tiny.

The smallest of things can be so annoying.

The same is with our life.

The smallest of sins can cause a lot of damage.

One sin leads to another sin and we are suddenly down a path of evil.

It might have just been one small sin but it ends up being something completely different.

That little look at porn can end up as rape.

That little flirtation can end up as an affair,

That little theft can end up as Murder.

We need a spiritual tooth pick to take out the tiny things in our lives.

If you leave a piece of meat in between a tooth for long enough it will begin to decay the tooth.

It won't be long before you need the dentist because there is a hole in your tooth and you're in a lot of pain.

Deal with the little things in life before they become bigger.


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