يعرض الآن

Shine On-Tori Kelly
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

Traditional values

We need to keep hold of them


Do you feel that we are losing our traditional values?

Is each generation moving further and further away from Godly values?

Values are something that we hold even when nobody's watching.

Today what guides your moral code?

Have you changed your ideas on morals as you have gotten older ?

Should we all hold the same values or can others have different values to us ?

Interesting questions but there is one good place to find values and that is the bible.

The Bible teaches us about people who didn't hold good values and what happened to them.

The bible also tells us what is a good standard to hold.

Today in our society some people may throw away some of the standards of the bible and say “That is out of date or Irrelivant”.

But I don't think the bible can ever be out of date or Irrelevant.

It teaches us good moral principles and practices that we can hold on to and will help us to live as good citizens in a fallen world.

God is the author of life and he can see the dangers and pitfalls that we can get into if we ignore his values.

God is saying to us there is a better way, and that is his way.

If you want to avoid painful experiences then follow God's path.

God knows best and his values are perfect.


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