Trees are amazing!
They go through a cycle in the year.
They know exactly when to blossom, in turn the blossom will be fruit.
The tree produces fruit. In season.
Then in wintertime the tree sheds its leaves.
No one tells the tree it’s time to produce fruit, the tree automatically does it.
No one says to the tree “Hey tree, shed your leaves”.
The tree knows its time and just does it.
It’s all part of nature.
That is the magic of creation.
When you look at the tree how can you say there is no God.
The very trees cry out and say there is an almighty creator.
You are not an accident!
There wasn’t some kind of explosion and out of that explosion you were made.
You were put here on earth by your creator God who knew you in your mother’s womb.
That tells me you are special.
God sees value in you!
You are created, you are loved and you are special.
Start believing it.