There are some beautiful flowers around ,
hey look amazing and have a pleasant smell.
They are a beauty to behold.
There are other flowers that aren't really flowers but weeds.
They have a flower but it is really a weed .
You don't really want weeds in your garden otherwise they will choke the real flowers.
Sometimes in our life there are weeds growing, we get into a certain sin and it produces an ugly weed.
But like real weeds they need to be dug out and dug out from the root .
It's no good taking the head off you need to dig down right to the bottom of the root.
Get rid of it totally.
If the roots are left then the weed will begin to grow again.
What have you allowed to grow in your life that is not a flower but a weed ?
Dig it up from the root don't let it take root in your life.
Be the beautiful flower that God has called you to be.