يعرض الآن

Shine On-Tori Kelly
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

What is your guide ?

Who do you trust ?


The Bible is the ultimate authority,

It says thy word is a light unto my path, The bible will lead you at all times.

You can trust it because it never changes, Even when the culture changes around us the bible never changes.

Today in the West they talk about their being more than 2 genders, You can change your gender and be what you want to be.

But what does the bible say about that?

The book of Genesis says he created them Male and Female.

It is quite clear.

The world around us says there are more but the bible says there are only two.

The question is who do you trust?

If a Pastor or Priest comes along and tells you something then to see if it is biblical we must check it out in the bible.

The Pastor of Priest isn't our spiritual guide, The bible is.

So if the Pastor or Priest goes against what the bible says then he is wrong, No matter what position he holds, he is wrong and not biblical.

Always ask yourself, Is this in the bible? Ask your Pastor or Priest where it is in the bible.

The bible says if an angel comes proclaiming another gospel then he should be cursed, The bible also tells us that Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

This gives us a big responsibility to read our bibles, Know what it says and challenge anything that is just tradition and not biblical.

This is what Jesus did when he was on earth, He was always getting into trouble with the religious leaders because he challenged their tradition and their desire for power and not to help the people.

The power was more important than the people.

Get to know your bible so that you know what is true and what is tradition.

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