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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Who crucified Christ?

The real answer !


It is a very good and important question.

Firstly, we need to understand that Jesus wasn't surprised when he was arrested and Crucified.

Jesus told his disciples that he would be betrayed and die in Jerusalem.

Jesus went to Jerusalem knowing what would happen to him.

This was his moment; this is what he was born to do.

The whole reason for Jesus to come to earth was to die for our sins, In fact the sins of the whole world.

So, Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice.

Jesus was taken by the religious Jewish leaders and handed over to the Romans.

So, the Jewish leaders had a hand in his death and so did the Romans.

But it was you and me that put Jesus on the cross.

It was our sin that placed him there, and he was willing to go there for our sins.

So, if you are looking for someone to blame then the closest place to look is yourself.

We are all responsible because we are all sinners and it was sin that placed him on the cross.

Thanks be to God for his grace and mercy.

He didn't treat us as our sins deserve.

We are forgiven people; will you receive and accept that forgiveness today.

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