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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Worry 12

It never helps


Worry has never changed a situation; in fact It has probably just made things worse.

It gets you all stressed out.

We all have times in life where we are concerned, Something suddenly happens and it puts us into worry mode.

But worry won't change anything.

There is one thing that will, and that is prayer.

Prayer changes things.

So, if you have a loved one in hospital, Pray

Worry won't help your loved one get better but prayer will.

Pray for the doctor, that they will be able to do their job quickly and effectively.

Prayer is being active and it will defeat worry.

Worry won't change a thing but prayer will.

So whatever situation you are going into commit it to prayer.

Maybe it is an Exam or a new job or a sickness, Commit it to God and don't worry.

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