Do you love getting messages?
Perhaps the postman brings you a letter and you are excited because you got mail from someone.
Or maybe it is an email,
Emails are quick and an easy way to communicate now.
You send your email, with the touch of a button and its in the other person’s inbox.
Very quick and very easy.
God had 5 messages to send out to people in the Nativity story,
They were very important messages.
God used his messengers to deliver those messages, they were the Angels.
One of those messages went to Mary telling her the happy news that she would have a Son and they were to call him Jesus.
What a wonderful message to receive!
There was a message to Zachariah he and his wife were going to have a son and they were to name him John.
That was such a joyous news because Elizabeth his wife couldn’t have children, now an angel was telling him some amazing News, “You will have a son”.
Then an angel went to Joseph with a message of hope, Joseph was confused, Had Mary cheated on him? Should he still marry Mary?
The Angel reassured him that this was all part of Gods plan and he didn’t need to worry or be afraid.
Then the Angels went to the Shepherd’s in the field as they were looking after their sheep.
A message of Joyous news they brought. “A Baby has been Born”.
Quite a message indeed!
And the final message was for Joseph again, this time it was a serous message, A warning! Flee! Herod wants to kill the child.
God’s message sent by the angel saved Jesus life.
Jesus life is also a message to us today, He came to save us from our sins.
Are you happy to take that message to your heart today.