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Rooftops-Jesus Culture
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

Your heart

what is hidden


Do you know your heart?

Do you know if you are loving and kind?

Have you ever watched a movie where a best friend is cheating, perhaps stealing his money and he is about to find out so he murders his friend?

You may say in your heart that “I would never do that!”

But deep down we don't know what we would do if the situation arose.

If we got caught in some kind of sin and to stop it from being exposed we would have to lie, then we get sucked deeper and deeper, it can lead us to doing something bigger and bigger.

Then to stop ourselves from getting caught out and going to prison we kill to hide the truth.

Who knows what our heart is capable of.

I would imagine many murderers would think that they could never kill but they did.

The heart is deceitful and wicked.

We cannot trust our heart.

One small sin can lead to greater and greater sin.

You commit another sin to cover up the first sin and then it spirals out of control.

Give your heart to Jesus let him make you clean and new.

Trust Gods heart not your own.

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